Friday, September 2, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

My heart is melting!

Today for the first time, Jake said, "Wud you mama!". I have been asking him to say that for months and months! I told him I loved him too, and he kept saying it again and again with his little pucker kisses in between! He is such a sweet boy...when he wants to be!

Friday, July 8, 2011

My little artist

Jake painted on this plastic canvas for no less than 30 minutes!  The teacher would put her face on the other side of the plastic, and he would pretend to paint her face.  Then she peeked her face around the corner and got a face full of paint!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Brunch & Farmer's Market with the Family

Jake with Uncle Marc at the Chicken Coop

Fist Bump

Lovin' Life!

J & J

Every once in a while Jake will point to my breastfeeding pillow and say, "I do".  I ask him if he wants to hold the baby and he nods his head yes.  

Jake's 1st movie in the theatre - Cars 2

We got to the theatre a little late...but just in time because we got to skip the previews but were able to see the Toy Story short!  So cute!  We entered the concession area and the popcorn machine was popping away..I told Jake the popcorn was going POP!  They he stood there saying POP POP POP!  We got a small popcorn and a box of overpriced M&M's and went in.  The theatre wasn't that crowded so we sat right in the middle with no one sitting in front of Jake...which was good since he was kicking and pushing on the chair much of the last half of the movie! I'm not quite sure what Jake liked better...the popcorn and M&M's or the movie!  I think the sugar from the aforementioned gave him a sugar high and about 45 minutes in he got a little restless. He stood up and stood in front of his seat. He paced our aisle. Tried to shimmy between the seats into the row in front of us. 10 minutes before the movie ended he looked at me and said, "Home". I dragged it out giving him "UMMA"...gum...and was able to see the movie until the end. I may wait another 6 months before I attempt that again!!! But overall it went well.  He didn't bother any of the other viewers or cause any major disturbances!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gilroy Garden's with the Stinson's

Jake and Ella's first trip to Gilroy Gardens.  Actually, it was the first time for all of us!!!  This is the perfect amusement park for toddlers!  They have a ton of rides geared toward their age group.  They went on the carousel, the train, mini "teacups", fire engines, hot air balloon ride, ad the strawberries.  Jake had such a good time that we was conked out before we left the parking lot!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Jack's 1st Bath

Jack had his first bath tonight, he is 20 days old.  Jake wanted to take his clothes off and join his brother in the infant tub...thus the long face!

Jack's Visitors

Auntie Brenda

Auntie Zoila
Tutu Doris and Grandpa Vic

Uncle Marc

Auntie Amber

Grammie Sylvia

Auntie Sarah and Uncle Bill

Auntie Sarah and Uncle Bill w/ uncooperative Jake!

Brotherly Love

Jake has become a fantastic big brother, he is very loving and gentle with Jack.  His terrible two's however have been magnified!  Everything is a tantrum and "NO!" is his favorite word!  Defiance and naughtiness are the norm.  But then like Brian said, he dances a little jig and puckers up those little lips and all is forgiven!  Take that sucker...I mean mamma!
Baby's nose!
Show me your teeth!
I <3 my little brudda!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

I have been home from the hospital for 2 days and it is Easter Sunday.  I didn't want Jake too miss out on a actual Easter egg hunt where he wasn't getting trampled by 500 other 2-3 year olds!  So we had 50 plastic eggs filled with candy and coins and had a little brunch/hunt with his friends Ryleigh & Ella.  Jake didn't get that many eggs because he had to open each one as he picked them up to see what kind of delicious goodies were inside!
Is there candy in here?  There is!  It's a keeper! the most eggs and the most dough!
So cute!
Eggs eggs eggs!
Ella lost interest in this egg hunt business...she'd rather slide!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Time to go home

The days of lounging in the hospital watching bad daytime tv, ordering breakfast, lunch, & dinner, and leisurely snoozing the day away are over.  It is time to go home, back to reality!
Jack is not a binky boy like his brother!

Our transport to the curb!