Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

I have been home from the hospital for 2 days and it is Easter Sunday.  I didn't want Jake too miss out on a actual Easter egg hunt where he wasn't getting trampled by 500 other 2-3 year olds!  So we had 50 plastic eggs filled with candy and coins and had a little brunch/hunt with his friends Ryleigh & Ella.  Jake didn't get that many eggs because he had to open each one as he picked them up to see what kind of delicious goodies were inside!
Is there candy in here?  There is!  It's a keeper! the most eggs and the most dough!
So cute!
Eggs eggs eggs!
Ella lost interest in this egg hunt business...she'd rather slide!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Time to go home

The days of lounging in the hospital watching bad daytime tv, ordering breakfast, lunch, & dinner, and leisurely snoozing the day away are over.  It is time to go home, back to reality!
Jack is not a binky boy like his brother!

Our transport to the curb!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Jack Dylan's Birth Day

Getting ready for surgery.
On Monday, April 21st at 11:00am I went to Good Samaritan Hospital to check-in for my scheduled c-section.  Brian and I filled out admission paperwork while I was hooked up to the baby monitors.  They took blood and put in my IV.  When they were done, my cousin Brenda came into the room and hung out with us until 1:00pm when I was walked into the operating room.

This c-section experience was much different from the first.  This time, like I said, I walked into the operating room and climbed onto the table!  Last time, I'd had an epidural in place for the previous 12 hours.  With that being said, I had a lot more drugs in my system, and I could tell!

Pain no, pressure YES!  OK, the pressure did cause some pain.  They put in the "spinal", which is administered the same way an epidural is, between the vertebrae in you back.  It took the anesthesiologist 3 times to get the "right spot".  Not comfortable!!!

Under the knife!

Oh my gosh!  I just gave birth to Chuckie!

Getting cleaned up.
Jack Dylan came out at 1:32pm weighing a whopping 8 pounds 13 ounces and 20 inches long.  Jake was in the womb 2 weeks longer and was 8 pounds 9 ounces!  I can't imagine how big Jack would have been!  For Jack's head circumference and weight he was off the charts in the 110th percentile!

8 pounds 13 ounces

Healthy baby boy.

Here I am with Dr. Kendrick.

Our new addition.

He looks exactly like Jake!

Cuddled by a pro, Auntie Brenda.

With big brother Jake.

With tutu Doris and grandpa Vic.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

2 more days...

Today we went to the Los Gatos Annual Easter Egg Hunt complete with petting zoo and pony rides.  Thanks to my thinking ahead, we got to the event at 9:40am (is started at 10:00am), and got awesome parking right in front.  

Jake takes the chocolate out of his chocolate croissant and discards the croissant!!!
We bought our tickets and had time to check out the festivities before Jake's 2-3 year old egg hunt began at 10:45am.  We went to the toddler zone with a toddler sized ball house, "roller coaster", and other toddler games.
Toddler "Roller Coaster"

Ball House

We also visited the petting zoo, which I thought would have a bunch of goats like Happy Hollow, but I was wrong!  There was one tiny black goat...seen below, as well as various types of bunnies, chickens, roosters, a baby pig, & ducks.  Jake had a good time with the stayed still so he could touch it.  The other animals he ended up chasing around the pen giving them a heart attack!

 The 2-3 age group egg hunt was intense!  Hundreds of kids and the candy and eggs disappeared like magic!  Jake did manage to get a few chocolate eggs and some miscellaneous candy.  He wasn't too excited about the hunt because he was hungry and thirsty!

Overall, we had a great time...we didn't stay for the pony rides due to the monstrous line that developed.  Next year we will get their early, hit the petting zoo, the pony rides, and then the toddler zone, then after the egg hunt we can go get brunch!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4 more days until we meet Jack Dylan

I can't believe I will be going in for my c-section on Monday...a short 4 days away.  Unless I go into labor before then!  I have so much planned before Jack last pre-natal massage, a chiropractor appointment, Easter Egg Hunt with Jake on Saturday morning, Tyagin's 2nd birthday party on Saturday afternoon.  I think I better stay home and relax on Sunday!